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Below are some of the 2014-2015 appearances.

Please visit (and LIKE) our Facebook page for current upcoming show details!

The Rhapsody Players

Fundraiser for the Prospect Park Alliance
Brooklyn, New York
The Picnic House is located behind Litchfield Villa across the Park Drive.

Saturday, October 4, 2014
8:00 p.m. (doors open at 7:30 p.m.)
$60 per person (100% tax-deductible)

Farewell Concert to St. John's Episcopal Church
99 Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11209

Saturday, November 15, 2014
8:00 p.m.
$20 per person

  Second Annual Benefit for St. Patrick Academy
St. Patrick Auditorium

97 Street and Fourth Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11209

Saturday, October 18, 2014
7:30 p.m.
$25 per person

Fundraiser for Our Lady of Grace Church
385 Avenue W
Brooklyn, New York

Saturday, November 1, 2014
8:00 p.m.
$40 per person
$35 for seniors


If you wish to join our e-mail list please contact our "producer" John Heffernan.





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